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Liquid Chemical Make Down Systems for Your Business

By July 16, 2019 No Comments

liquid chemical make downProducing your own liquid chemicals can be a daunting challenge to some. However, for many others, it makes a lot of sense to use this method. The benefits may actually outweigh the complexity of the process, as well as the upfront cost involved. A careful examination of all that you get from the liquid chemical make down system will likely reveal some interesting opportunities.

You Don’t Have to Worry About Shelf Life

As things age, they deteriorate. This holds true for our bodies, cars, and, of course, our chemicals. The shelf life of a chemical can be a real obstacle when you need to use it for a project that may take some time. Some projects go over time, and that’s just the nature of the business. If a chemical that was purchased has a shelf life that exceeds the maximum for that project, you may have to either start all over again or re-purchase the chemical involved. This will take extra time and money. Even if the chemical is readily available, you still have to factor in the time it will take to ship it—and we will discuss this later. If the chemical is not readily available from your supplier, you may end up having to request a new batch be produced. This will add significant time to your project. The costs involved may very well skyrocket.

All of this can be avoided if you make use of a liquid chemical make down system. With this, you can make your own chemicals in-house. You can thus control your supply. With control of supply comes control of the timing, and using this advantage, you can better judge the effects of shelf life restrictions. You can even plan the production of the chemical based on the project instead of the other way around. In addition, because you won’t be throwing away chemicals that have reached their shelf life, you will be a less wasteful company. Waste has long been a problem in several industries. Even though primary and secondary waste treatments can get rid of 85% to 95% of pollutants before the wastewater hits waterways, every small contribution to the waste problem still makes the situation worse. Getting a liquid chemical make down system can help make your company be part of the solution.

Consider Shipping Savings

Getting product shipped comes at a premium. With the unpredictable prices of fuel, the costs can get even more drastic at a moment’s notice. With a liquid chemical make down system, you don’t have to worry about shipping costs. Everything is made onsite, so it is literally at your fingertips. This is convenient not just for your company’s bottom line, but due to the time saved as well. As you use the liquid chemical make down system to make your own chemicals, you are saving a considerable amount of time waiting for shipments to be fulfilled, processed, packaged, and sent out. Each step in the shipping process is time wasted for your company, especially considering that with a liquid chemical make down system, you can supply it yourself.

Consider the Volume of Production

Several elements of the purification process can benefit from moving things in-house. These include an aerobic treatment system, DAF wastewater treatment, an oil and water separator, or other water treatment products. But using a liquid chemical make down system will only benefit from the in-house capabilities if you are doing enough volume. If you are not producing enough chemicals, the payback time period may be too long. It is best to be conservative when making the right estimates. Your water equipment may come into play as well because it may have to be adjusted in order to help drive the process. If this is needed, a fairly high level of production would be necessary in order to justify the formation of the system. The initial costs can be easily recouped. On the other hand, if the volume produced is insufficient, the system may devolve into a negative blip on the financial statement. Any asset, however, is going to require some sort of initial investment, so the concept of needing to recoup costs shouldn’t be a deal-breaker. A detailed check to the volume produced as well as what will be made in the future will settle any concerns.

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